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Feb 14, 2011
Alpes Maritimes : 06
Voila les commandes admin utilisées dans l’émulateur Aion-Engine|Lightning, pour les autres émulateurs, Aion-core, ... c'est les mêmes à quelques commandes près.

Note :
°Il n'y as pas de majuscules dans les commandes ou les paramètres.
°Une commande c'est : //commande <paramètre obligatoire> <paramètre optionnel>
°On n’écrit pas les < >
°Il faut avoir un compte de rang supérieur à 0( 3 pour super admin).

//ai < info | event | state > Various AI-Related tasks
//add < Player > < itemID > < Quantity > Adds an item to a player or to yourself
//addset < player > < itemset ID > Adds an item set to player inventory
//adddrop < npcID > < itemID > < min > < max > < chance > < quest > Adds drop entry to npc
//addskill < skillId > < skillLevel > Adds a skill to your target player
//addtitle < title_id > < playerName > Adds a title to your target player
//advsendfakeserverpacket This command send fakeserverpackets to the server for test porpouses, Used by Developers
//announce < message > the message is sent to all players chatbox
//announcefaction < ely | asmo > < message > the message is sent to all players from the specified race on the chatbox
//announcements list Obtain all announcements in the database.
//announcements add < faction: ELYOS | ASMODIANS | ALL > < type: NORMAL | ANNOUNCE | ORANGE | YELLOW | SHOUT > < delay in seconds > < message > Add an announcements into the database.
//announcements delete < id > ps: see //announcements list to find all ids Delete an announcements from the database.
//appearance < size | voice | hair | face | deco | head_size | tattoo | reset (to reset the appearance) > < value > Change Appearance
//ban All ban and unban commands (//ban, //unban, //banip, //unbanip)
//bk < add | del | tele | list > < bookmark name > Manage bookmark teleport locations
//configure Configures properties on runtime
//deletespawn < npcID > Delete Spawn from Npc
//dye < color | hex | no > Dye selected target
//gag Gag and ungag
//goto Teleport youself to specified place name Example: //goto poeta
//givemissingskills Will recursively check all missing player skills and add them to him
//heal Restores target hp/mp/dp
//info < target > show target object infos
//invis Make yourself invis or vis
//invul Makes yourself invun or vul
//kick < player > Disconnects player
//kinah < target > < value > Adds kinah to target
//legion disband < legionname >
//legion setlevel < legionname > < level >
//legion setpoints < legionname > < contributionpoints >
//legion setname < legionname > < newlegionname > Self explanatory
//morph < npcid > Morph selected target to NPC
//moveto < MapId X Y Z > teleport to specified XYZ coordinates
//movetonpc < npcID > teleports you to npc position
//movetome < player > move player to my position
//movetoplayer < player > teleports you to player position
//moveplayertoplayer < player1 > < player2 > move player1 to player2 location
//notice < message > the message is sent to all players chatbox and a message appear in center screen
//petition lists petitions (total count, and 5 first to be replied). Returned data are PetitionID and Title. //petition < id > : displays the petition details //petition < id > delete : delete the petition. usually used for invalid or useless petitions. this will delete the petition from database. //petition < id > reply < message > : reply to the petition. the message will be sent to the player via regular mail. the petition will be kept in database with status
//playerinfo < playername > < loc | item | group | skill | legion > show target player parameter infos
//remove < player > < item ID > < quantity > Adds an item from player inventory
//set level < level > Sets target player level
//set exp < value > Set target player experience amount
//set title < title_id > Set target player title

//equip help
=>This command will give you the same information as below.
Use //equip help for more details on the command.
Notice: This command uses smart matching. You may abbreviate most commands.
For example: "//equip so 167000551 5" will match to "//equip socket 167000551 5"

//equip [playerName] enchant [EnchantLevel = 0]
This command Enchants all items equipped up to 255.
Notice: You can ommit parameters between [], especially playerName.
Target: Named player, then targeted player, only then self.
Default Value: EnchantLevel is 0.

//equip [playerName] socket [ManastoneID = 167000551] [Quantity = 0]
This command Sockets all free slots on equipped items, with the given manastone id.
Use ManastoneID = 0 to remove all Manastones. Quantity = 0 means to fill all free slots.
Notice: You can ommit parameters between [], especially playerName.
Target: Named player, then targeted player, only then self.
Default Value: ManastoneID is 167000551 witch is Manastone: HP +95 [Manastone: HP +95], Quantity is 0 meaning fill all slots.

//equip [playerName] godstone [rate = 100|GodStoneID]
This command changes the godstone activation rate to the given number(0-100).
Give a GodStone ItemID and it will be socketed on you Main Hand Weapon.
Notice: You can ommit parameters between [], especially playerName.
Target: Named player, then targeted player, only then self.
Default Value: Rate is 100 witch is the default action .

//powerup [playerName] [Multiplier = 2]
This command multiplies your actual power to the number given.
Using 0 as the Multiplier resets the power to normal.
Notice: You can ommit parameters between [], especially playerName.
Target: Named player, then targeted player, only then self.
Default Value: Multiplier is 2.

ps : Désolé si les description est anglais car l'anglais est moi sa fais 2

Cordialement Mr.T4k0r